February Club Meeting

Lockwood Park CookHouse 5201 Safford Rd,, Rockford, IL

We will have a guest speaker on “The Tellington Touch”.  Book swap (bring a book –take a book) If you want your book returned, please put your name in it.  Also, bring a sweet treat to share if you like.

Game Day at the Busby Barn

Busby Farm 10538 N PECATONICA RD, Leaf River, IL

Potluck at noon and games to follow.

March Club Meeting

Lockwood Park CookHouse 5201 Safford Rd,, Rockford, IL

Veterinarian Guest Speaker and corned beef provided by the club – bring a dish to pass (think green) Dr. Sink will give presentation on routine care for horses

April Club Meeting

Lockwood Park CookHouse 5201 Safford Rd,, Rockford, IL

May Club Meeting

Lockwood Park CookHouse 5201 Safford Rd,, Rockford, IL

Food and activity to be announced.