Valley Trail Riders Year-End Awards

Valley Trail Riders Year-End Awards Presented at year end Banquet

  • Final Awards Presentation at Discretion of Board of Directors.

  • Each category awarded to first and second place.

  • Ties managed by Awards Committee

  • Points calculated 12 month period November 1 to October 31

  • Submit totals each year to Awards Committee by November 15th Recording form supplied by the Committee

1. Most Hours in the Saddle or Driving a cart

  • Round to the nearest 15 minutes

  • Hours recorded from November 1 to October 31

2. Most Hours in the Saddle or Driving a cart at VTR Hosted Events

  • Round to the nearest 15 minutes
  • Hours recorded from November 1 to October 31

3. Most Active Event Organizer/Committee Member/Board Member

  • 5 points for Annual Board of Directors membership

  • 5 points for Annual Committee Membership

  • 3 points for Ad Hoc (temporary as needed) Committee

  • 3 points for each posted Event organized as Chair or CoChair Recording Form provided by Committee

4. New Member Recruitment

  • 1 point for each individual paid new

  •  5 points for each new family paid membership Recording Secretary reports

5. Website Blog Activity

  • 5 Points for each posted Blog

6. Member of the Year

  • Most points earned from above award categories

Member approved March 2023

1 thought on “Valley Trail Riders Year-End Awards”

  1. You should have a list of ALL the members showing the hours of riding. I did this for another club. We had prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Then we had smaller prizes of recognition for ALL the members that turned in their hours. This way everyone is included. Otherwise every year is the same winners for 1st – 3rd. No fun for the other members to try to be recognized.

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